I have attempted twice to have a wildflower garden here at the Bungalow, however, the flower gods are against me. In frustration, one rainy, gloomy day, I put on my rain slicker and wellies, then took my little crank seed broadcaster into the alley. I let the remaining wildflower seeds fly where they would, not caring if the birds ate them or if they were mowed down (as were my previous plantings.) Then I forgot about them. Until, I happened to glance down the alley one summer day while walking the dogs back home. There were dozens of bright flowers dancing in the breeze. The dogs and I ran down the alley sniffing flowers here and there. That was a happy day! The Cosmos are still blooming, giving off a gentle fragrance not unlike the spice clove. So, I think my Poppy seeds would do well in the alley over the winter, blooming next Spring. What do you think?
Japanese Design...So Clever
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A friend from The Netherlands visited recently, bringing wonderful house
gifts which his wife had sent along. One of...
13 years ago