Chatterblocks from
Garnet Hill
Do you sneak around and order whimsical and interesting stuff from the Internet? I have to confess...I do. For some reason, being furtive adds to the thrill of the hunt. Tall Husband never knows what he'll find when he walks through the back door. Last week there were the realistic, large black ravens that would make Edgar Allen Poe proud, but frightened the hell out of the dogs. This week it's the Chatterblocks, with which I spelled out, "Don't ask." (And can spell out endless phrases and greetings.)
Tall Husband upon seeing the blocks: "Why can't I ask?"
Me: "You just did."
Tall Husband: "When do the flamingos arrive?"
That last question is one that Tall Husband asks often and it requires some explaining:
Years ago a friend vacationed in China then arrived back home, where upon she immediately began to act strange and order weird stuff. The last straw for the family was the day a dozen live, messy flamingos arrived at the same time the twenty palm trees were being unloaded on their front lawn. They wrestled Mom's credit cards from her and got her to a specialist who successfully treated her for an exotic cerebral infection.
So, when will the flamingos be here?...the dogs want to know!