Friday, February 4, 2011

Scooter and the Family Portrait Pillow

Before Scooter, our Maltipoo puppy, came into our lives, we ordered a family portrait pillow for The Bunny Bungalow's new studio apartment.

The pillow arrived after Scooter was part of our family...he noticed. We tried to convince him that the artist had misunderstood our instruction, "Long tail and short ears," and reversed the image. But he wasn't buying that.

So, we ordered a second pillow with a likeness of Scooter proudly displayed!

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Scooter is quite happy now...look at that smile.

Note: We got our pillows from: K studio.


  1. I thought you were going to say he ripped it to shreds!!!!!!! That is so cute!!!!Maryanne xo

  2. What an adorable idea, and soooo creative! Love your pooch...xo

  3. I had to laugh when I saw the second pillow you ordered, with the rabbit going to the end of the line. This made me smile , so cute.
    How clever the one to come up with the idea of a family portrait pillow like this.

  4. Adorable. : )

    Cathy Poole

  5. what a fantastic pillow, love it! Scooter you are the cutest...


  6. He's the most darling little pooch. I love him.
