Thursday, January 15, 2009

Busy as a Bee

A bee sampling one of our antique roses.
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Today I shall be in class, taking a course titled, "Understanding Older Minds: Issues in Geriatric Health Care." It's an area of cognitive health I'm interested in professionally and personally. As I've mentioned previously, I'm vintage, verging on antique. And I do need to earn continuing education units (CEU's) to maintain my national certification and Texas license.

Earlier, Tall Husband asked about the class, "What street is it on?," but I heard, "What is it on?"

"Dementia," I answered. He looked puzzled and said that he had never heard of that street. I was worried about him for a moment until we both quickly parsed the communication glitch and had a good laugh.


  1. LOL ! BTW, that bee picture is fabulous - would look beautiful all framed up !

  2. Thanks for the laugh!
